Reflections of Forgiveness

Reflections of Forgiveness
Written by Enayet Chowdhury

“Mary, do you remember the first time we came to this lake? How calm everything felt, like the world was holding its breath for us?”

“I do, Zeszes. It was like the water mirrored how we felt inside—still, peaceful. I loved that day. It was just us, no distractions, only love.”

“Today feels different, doesn’t it? There’s a heaviness between us, like the ripples on the water that never seem to settle.”

“It does feel different, Zeszes. I’ve been thinking about it a lot. About how we let small things turn into big waves, how we’ve hurt each other without meaning to.”

“And I hate that, Mary. I hate that I’ve caused you pain. I never want to be the reason your heart feels heavy.”

“I know you don’t, Zeszes. And I never want to hurt you either. But we’re human, aren’t we? We make mistakes. The important thing is, can we find it in our hearts to forgive?”

“Yes, Mary. I believe we can. Forgiveness isn’t about forgetting what happened, but about choosing to move forward together, hand in hand, no matter what.”

“That’s exactly it. It’s about saying, ‘I love you more than any mistake we’ve made.’ It’s about seeing beyond the hurt to the person we cherish.”

“Mary, I want to be that person for you. The one who chooses love over pride, the one who says sorry and means it, the one who makes you feel safe, always.”

“And I want to be that for you, Zeszes. The one who forgives without holding back, who understands that we’re both learning, both growing together.”

“I love you so much, Mary. More than words can say. And I promise to always work on being better, for you, for us.”

“I love you too, Zeszes. And I promise to always be patient, to choose mercy over judgment, to remember that our love is bigger than any mistake.”

“Thank you, Mary. For your kindness, for your understanding, for choosing to see the good in me, even when I don’t deserve it.”

“Thank you, Zeszes, for being my partner in this journey, for reminding me that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves as much as each other.”

“Let’s make a vow, Mary. To always forgive, to always love, to always find our way back to each other, no matter how far we drift.”

“I vow that, Zeszes. With all my heart. To forgive, to love, to cherish every moment we have together.”

“And I vow the same, Mary. To hold you close, to never let go, to be the calm in your storm, the peace in your heart.”

“Then let’s look at this lake, Zeszes. Let’s see our reflection and remember that, together, we can weather any storm.”

“Together, always, Mary. I’m so grateful for you, for us, for this love that’s as deep and endless as this lake.”

“And I’m grateful for you, Zeszes. For being my rock, my safe place, my forever.”

“Here’s to us, Mary. To forgiveness, to love, to endless second chances.”

“Here’s to us, Zeszes. Forever and always.”

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