Under the Starry Sky

Under the Starry Sky
Written by Enayet Chowdhury

“Mary, standing here on this rooftop, looking out at all the stars, it makes me realize how small our worries are in the grand scheme of things.”

“I feel that too, Zeszes. It’s like the stars are reminding us that there’s so much more to life than the doubts we sometimes let creep in.”

“Exactly. I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately—about how doubt can sneak up on us and cloud everything, even the love we share.”

“It’s true, Zeszes. Doubt is like a shadow that can block out all the light if we let it. But I don’t want that for us. I want to trust in what we have, in what we’ve built together.”

“And we’ve built something beautiful, Mary. Something worth fighting for, worth protecting from any doubts that try to sneak in. I never want to let doubt come between us.”

“Neither do I, Zeszes. I want to believe in us, in our love, in our ability to overcome anything together. I know there will be challenges, but I trust that we can face them as long as we believe in each other.”

“Thank you, Mary. It means so much to me to hear you say that. I want to be that person for you, someone who is steady and sure, who doesn’t let doubt take root.”

“And you are that person for me, Zeszes. You’ve always been my constant, my anchor. Even when things are uncertain, I know I can count on you to stand by me.”

“That’s because I love you, Mary. More than anything. And I want to make sure you always know that, that you never have to doubt my love for you.”

“I do know that, Zeszes. And I want you to know that I love you just as much. I promise to always trust in our love, to let go of any doubts that might try to pull us apart.”

“I promise to do the same, Mary. To choose trust over doubt, faith over fear. To always believe in the strength of what we have together.”

“Then let’s hold onto that, Zeszes. Let’s make a pact to always choose each other, to never let doubt take away the joy and love we share.”

“I’m in, Mary. To a lifetime of trusting, loving, and believing in us. To building a relationship that’s as unwavering as the stars above us.”

“Here’s to us, Zeszes. To a love that’s filled with trust and free from doubt. To always finding our way back to each other, no matter what.”

“Here’s to us, Mary. Forever and always, with love and trust guiding our way.”

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