Waves of Understanding

Waves of Understanding
Written by Enayet Chowdhury

“Zeszes, do you hear that? The waves, they sound so calming, almost like they’re whispering secrets to the shore.”

“Yes, Mary, it’s like they’re speaking a language only the sea knows. A language of peace, of letting go, of just being.”

“I think we could learn a lot from the ocean, Zeszes. About how to flow with each other, how to embrace without holding too tightly.”

“You’re right. The ocean doesn’t judge the shore for being different. It just meets it, again and again, without question.”

“Exactly. And I want that for us, Zeszes. I want us to meet each other with love, without judgment, no matter what.”

“I want that too, Mary. Sometimes, I realize I hold onto expectations, and when they’re not met, I let frustration take over. But that’s not fair to you, to us.”

“And I do the same, Zeszes. I forget that we’re two different people with different needs and perspectives. I don’t want to place my own fears onto you.”

“Let’s make a promise, Mary. To see each other for who we are, not who we think we should be. To listen without judging, to love without conditions.”

“I promise, Zeszes. To be patient, to let go of any assumptions. To meet you where you are, as you are, with an open heart.”

“And I promise to do the same, Mary. To accept you fully, to understand that you’re growing just like I am. To hold space for you, without expecting you to change.”

“Thank you, Zeszes. For being willing to learn, to grow, to make our love a safe place where we don’t have to be perfect.”

“Thank you, Mary. For your grace, for showing me what it means to love without bounds, without judgment.”

“Love is like the tide, isn’t it? Constant, gentle, forgiving. It never demands the shore to change. It just loves it for what it is.”

“Yes, Mary. And I want our love to be like that tide. To always return, no matter the distance, always ready to embrace with understanding.”

“Then let’s live like the ocean, Zeszes. Let’s meet each other in every moment with kindness, with mercy, with the promise to never judge.”

“I’m with you, Mary. Let’s create a sea of love that’s deep, vast, and unyielding. One that holds no room for judgment, only grace.”

“Together, we can do this, Zeszes. We can build a love that’s strong and gentle, that flows with the tide and dances with the wind.”

“Yes, Mary. A love that is as endless as the horizon before us, as steady as the waves that kiss the shore.”

“Here’s to us, Zeszes. To finding peace in every wave, love in every breeze, and mercy in every tide.”

“Here’s to us, Mary. Forever and always, without judgment, only love.”

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